You know how you go to church on Sunday, bible study on Wednesday, and even listen to your favorite tv/radio media minister who keeps telling you that your struggle is good, and if you just endure, the reward will be much greater. You hear them, you believe me, you even try to pretend things are okay when they truly are not. Truth is you're not okay, you don't fell okay and you cannot see the light flickering or even a crack at the end of this tunnel.
You've been praying to God because you want to trust Him like everyone says you should, but your circumstances look crazy, you're stressing even when you try not to, and you have no clue how you will make it through one storm, as other storms continue to pile in behind this one.
When problems arrive, our initial though is how am I going to fix this, what do I do to make this right or just better for the moment? The problem with this method is that all that figuring out by YOU, has nothing to do with how God tells us to deal with our problems.
The bible teaches us to lean on God for EVERYTHING! And when He says it, He means it! He literally means, stop trying to fix it, stop talking, stop listening, to others and seriously lean on ME this time.
I know you're thinking, well I'm doing that I lean on Him, I pray, I read my bible, Im at church listening to the messages, I'm leaning, but I'm still STRUGGLING. So maybe the problem isn't thy you aren't leaning, it maybe "you don't know how to lean".
When I started this journey after GOD's heart, I could not figure out why I was still going through things, I was paying my tithes, but still struggling financially, I was steering clear of drama, yet it was still finding me, I'm submitting to my husband but are still going through, I was started to tell God and people, this stuff just doesn't work; I could have just kept doing what I was doing.
It wasn't until a friend asked, where did you read that living right, would make the hard times go away? As I sat and thought, I couldn't remember one scripture that read, trusting in God was easy.
You see God puts storms, humps, & bumps in our lives to force us to depend on Him with everything we have. We have a choice whether we will keep trying to figure life out on our own, or give up on our ideas and totally depend on Him.
We all do this, we spend so much time trying to work our way out of the hard spots and take control, without realizing God never intending for us to carry our own loads. He has always wanted to carry our burdens, but we just keep getting in the way.
The only way I know how to get out of God's way and give Him total control is through DAILY time spent with HIM. Not just prayer in the morning, not just a daily devotional, but a full armored, hour of prayer, studying scripture to carry throughout the day. With this time my problems don't necessarily go away, but I am better prepared to handle them.
You HAVE to spend time with God daily. I truly don't know any other way to deal, cope, go through or handle my life, without constant connection to Him.
I know I have talked about quiet time before, but I can't say enough about it. I depend of this time like like I depend on seeing my husband every morning. My body anticipates it, it expects and depends on it. Below is what my routine looks like. You can make it your own, to cater to your schedule.
4:00AM- Alarm goes off
4:10- 4:20- Prayer, pouring out my heart to God about me day, what it will entail, who/what I will face, my family, my friends, my life.
4:30-5:00- I read the bible. If I am currently studying something in the bible I study that. If I am going through something I find scripture on that particular thing. I love the book of Psalms, so I read that often to keep myself full of God's promises. When I'm struggling I go to Exodus and revisit the Israelites in the wilderness.
Then I start my day; making God the first person I come in contact with before any other being, draws me closer to Him and ready for the things to come.
I believe in this routine and I have found great success in consistently spending time with God.
So when your old habits of stress, worry, solving your own problems come up, tell yourself "God provides everything I need, I trust Him completely. Say it until you believe it.
Lord help us to let go of everything that holds us back from completely trusting you. I trust you with every single thing concerning my life. We are letting go of trying to make things happen and figure things out. Help us to surrender to you and roll our cares on you. Amen.
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