The Purpose

Our life's purpose  comes from the heart of Jesus Christ. For non believers its hard to have faith in things you can't see, feel, or touch.
But day after day we get up, we go to work, we race to the kids sport events, we attend church on Wednesdays and Sundays, we hang out with our family & friends,  and all for the sake of careers, statuses and in between some pleasure.
But somehow after all of this we still feel a sense of insignificance or aimlessness. When we truly discover the reality of basing these types of aspirations as our life's purpose, we end up dissapointed everytime. 
If you are tired of that worldwind of living and really want to discover your purpose for life, you've come to the right place. Surrender your whole life today and allow HIS will, not YOUR own, to direct you to a life of purpose.
Society has taught us that pleasure, prosperity, position and popularity is the best way to find purpose and happiness, but this misguided way of living usually leads us right back to where we started, "SEARCHING".
Today, I challenge each of you to begin a new search, one that has proven to bring complete joy, and life long happiness to anyone who truly wants it.  We invite you join us on a "search" after God's own Heart, going deeper, harder and stronger after Him and His true purpose for your life.
Join us as we Serve God On Purpose!

Ron and Tasha

Psalm 119:71 says, “my suffering was good for me, it taught me to pay attention to God’s eternal purpose. So often we have our own agenda’s, when in reality we should be seeking God’s eternal purpose for our lives.

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